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Continence - NHS support

A team of specialist nurses provide advice, care and support for people who have bladder and bowel problems.

Continence - NHS support

An appointment can be made, or an individual can be referred by any health professional. Once a young person has been assessed and examined the continence advisory service help manage symptoms. 

They may:

  • be offered advice on managing your condition through pelvic floor exercises or lifestyle changes
  • need continence products to help with symptoms
  • be offered advice on medication

Children and young people
There are different levels of intervention to provide continence support to Children, Young People and their families, responsibilities for the commissioning of services are placed with different authorities.

Level 1 is early intervention including, advice and guidance from the 0-19 Universal Services Team and provide support for toilet training, nighttime wetting, daytime wetting, and constipation. This is commissioned by the Local Authority Public Health Teams.

Level 2 is a nurse led service commissioned by the ICB and covers all aspects of continence and provision of products.

Level 3 is specialist care commissioned by the ICB and requires consultant input i.e., urological issues.

Level 2 and Level 3 Paediatric Continence Service covers all children from birth to 19 years old with continence problems, including children with learning difficulties and physical disabilities. Young adults between the age of 18 and 25 years old can receive continence services from the Continence Advisory Service which is delivered by the NHS Foundation Trust.

In Stockton-on-Tees this service is provided by the North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust.

More information about the Continence Service can be found by visiting the North Tees and Hartlepool Trust website. 

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Last modified on 03 April 2024