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Apollo Music Service

Join us for upbeat and engaging one-to-one music lessons in our comfortable, purpose built music studio 'The Practice Pad"! Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to develop a career in music, we've got the right tutor for you.

Address: Apollo Creative Studios, 64 Brunswick Street, Stockton Town Centre, Stockton-on-Tees, TS181DR
Telephone number: 01642742122
Apollo Music Service

Here at Apollo Music Service, we offer tuition in:

  • drums
  • guitar and bass
  • singing
  • piano and keyboard

We also love to get people performing & recording music and are even attached to a live music venue and professional recording studio!

For more information or to book your first lesson, simply call one of our friendly team on (01642) 742122 or email teachme@apollomusicservice.org.uk.

Discount available by booking through this site. Simply quote STOCKDIR when calling to book your first lesson!

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Last modified on 29 December 2023