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Hartburn Lodge children's short breaks unit

Hartburn Lodge provides planned short breaks for children and young people aged from 8 to 18 years (6 years in exceptional circumstances) who have a range of complex and additional needs and who are dependent upon parents or carers for their care and support.

Address: Hartburn Lodge, Harlsey Road, Hartburn, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 5DL
Telephone number: 01642527994

Hartburn Lodge is on the outskirts of Stockton in Hartburn village. It is a large 3 storey house built in 1886 which has spacious grounds and activity areas.

Admission to the service follows an assessment of need by a social worker and decision that this is an appropriate referral is agreed at a resource panel.

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Last modified on 28 February 2024