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Elton Hall

Elton Hall care home is located close to the countryside in Elton.

Address: Elton Village, Stockton-on-Tees, TS21 1AG
Telephone number: 01642570200
Website: Bondcare website
Elton Hall

Type of Home - Residential
Specialism - General Care, Dementia Care
Nursing provision - We do not provide nursing care and nursing is provided by nursing in the community.
Other care provided - Physical Disability, Brain Injury, Dementia, Parkinson's Disease, Huntington's Disease, Stroke, Diabetes, Dysphasia, Epilepsy, Young on- set Dementia. 
Admission Age - 18 years and over.
Number of Bedrooms - 64

Care Quality Commission(CQC) information

CQC URN: 1-543983962
See latest CQC rating and reports (Opens in new window)

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Last modified on 19 August 2024