Tinies Childcare North East
Established in 1975, Tinies provides full and part-time childcare services to the community. This includes in-home services such as nannies, after school carers, parents' help, maternity support and event childcare solutions throughout the UK.
In addition, we also provide qualified early years professionals, childcare staff and nursery assistants to the childcare workforce in all areas. This includes day nurseries, preschools, schools, SEN schools, local authorities, creches, kids clubs and out of school provision.
We offer experienced childcare and all of our staff are fully vetted including thorough background checks, enhanced childcare DBS, right to work and reference screening. We match our staff to the client based on their needs. We can provide long term, short notice, emergency and sickness cover.
Please visit the Tinies Childcare North East website for more information about the services we offer.