Young people support
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We provide a range of 0-19 health services within Stockton-on-Tees.
- Contact number: 0333 3202 302

A bursary is money that you, your education or training provider can use to help to pay for clothing, books, other equipment for your course, transport and lunch on the day that you train.

Action for Children are a UK children's Charity who work with around 200,000 children, young people and families. They run 480 projects across the UK, work with children and young people of all ages tackling issues such as child neglect and abuse.
3 The Boulevard
Ascot Road
WD18 8AG
- Contact number: 03001232112

Adoption Tees Valley is a regional adoption agency covering the North East of England. We launched in May 2018 and replace the five local authority agencies of Middlesbrough, Stockton, Hartlepool, Redcar and Cleveland and Darlington.
Oxbridge Avenue
TS18 4LE
- Contact number: 01642526400

Barnado's work with children, young people and their families. They offer help and support when a child or young person's future is under threat, be it from homelessness, drugs, sexual abuse, disability, unemployment, prejudice or emotional problems.
Barnardo's East, Unit 13A
Silver Fox Way
Cobalt Business Park
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE27 0QJ
- Contact number: 01912931400

BCT Aspire is a local organisation offering a range of activities for families, children and young people up to the age of 18 years in the borough of Stockton.
Synthonia Club
Belasis Avenue
- Contact number: 01642961695

Bridges is a registered charity and was created by families and carers who were supporting loved ones with alcohol or substance misuse problems. We offer a client centred service with individual support packages that enable the family to cope with the problems that arise from addiction. Addiction impacts all members of the family and we offer a holistic systemic approach to address issues, which affect the whole family.
Nelson Terrace
TS18 1NJ
- Contact number: 07957224486

Today, we support and protect children and young people facing a wide range of issues, from drug misuse to disability, from sexual abuse to domestic violence. But one thing has never changed: like our founder, Thomas Barnardo, we believe that with the right help, children can change their lives and achieve their potential.
Bridgeway Project
concorde Way
- Contact number: 01642300774

Brook is the UK's leading provider of sexual health and wellbeing for young people under 25.

Battle UK Chances for Children grants are targeted at those living in financial hardship, and dealing with multiple challenging social issues.

Calm Harm is an award-winning app developed for teenage mental health charity stem4 by Dr Nihara Krause, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, using the basic principles of an evidence-based therapy called Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT).

The Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is provided by Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV). The service works with children, young people, and their families up to the age of 18 years old who are experiencing mental health problems / complex emotional and behavioural difficulties, offering assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.
Viscount House
Falcon court
Preston Farm
Stockton on Tees
TS18 3TX
- Contact number: 03002000000

Catalyst is the strategic infrastructure organisation for the Borough of Stockton committed to providing an effective voice, representation and support for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.
- Contact number: 01642733908

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command, or CEOP Command, is a command of the UK's National Crime Agency (NCA). CEOP is a law enforcement agency that works to help keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online.

CFM Counselling offers free counselling to those in receipt of Universal Credit and low cost counselling to older teens and adults.
Yarm Road
TS18 3NG
- Contact number: 07529221096

Child Bereavement UK support children, young people and their families rebuild their lives when a child grieves or a child dies. They provide confidential support, information and guidance to families and professionals.
Child Bereavement UK
Wycombe Road
High Wycombe
HP14 4BF
- Contact number: 08000288840

The Child Brain Injury Trust aims to improve the quality of life for all children and young people who have acquired brain injury. We provide advice, support and information for anyone affected by a childhood acquired brain injury (ABI).
Unit 1, The Great Barn
Baynards Green Farm
Nr Bicester
OX27 7SG
- Contact number: 01869341075

CHILD Deaf Youth Project (CDYP) are a vibrant, registered charity, working for the benefit of all deaf, hard of hearing children and young adults within the Tees Valley Area.
Middlesbrough Deaf Centre
Derwent Street
North Ormesby
- Contact number: 01642246705

ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of 19. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor about anything - no problem is too big or too small.
NSPCC, Weston House
42 Curtain Road
- Contact number: 08001111

Children with cancer are a charitable organisation who help children affected by cancer and their families. We are the leading national charity dedicated to the fight against childhood leukaemia and other childhood cancers.
- Contact number: 02074040808

Clarence's Resource and Community Centre is located in Port Clarence.
Port Clarence Road
Port Clarence
- Contact number: 01642564077

Community Connect Stockton-on-Tees offers one-to-one or group sessions to help you access local groups, activities and services in the community. Community Connect can help you to reintegrate with society, you will have the opportunity to meet new people, attend hobby and social groups, improve digital skills, and make positive lifestyle changes.
Catalyst, 27
Yarm Road
TS18 3NJ
- Contact number: 01642647770

The Family Holiday Charity helps provide short breaks and day trips in the UK for children and their families. These are families that face daily hardship made worse by illness, bereavement or disability.
Family Holiday Charity, 7-14
Great Dover Street
- Contact number: 02031170650

The clinic was designed following an extensive consultation with young people in our local area.
Eaglescliffe Medical Practice
Sunningdale Drive
TS16 9EA
- Contact number: 01642780113

What is a Forced Marriage? A forced marriage is a marriage where one or both people do not consent to the marriage and pressure or abuse is used. The pressure put on people to marry against their will may be: Physical - for example, threats, physical violence or sexual violence Emotional and psychological - for example, making someone feel like they are bringing 'shame' on their family Financial abuse - for example taking someone's wages, may also be a factor.
- Contact number: 02070080151

Get Safe Online is the UK's leading source of unbiased, factual and easy-to-understand information on online safety.

Gingerbread is a charity that provides advice and practical support for single parents. Expert advisers answer their helpline, the website is packed full of useful information and Gingerbread offer training too. They also campaign to improve the lives of all single parent families, and because they're a national charity, it's all free.
Unit B Ground Floor
Mary Brancker House 54-74
Holmes Road
- Contact number: 08088020925

Guardian's Allowance is a tax free benefit, currently paid per child on top of Child Benefit. This is payable to a person bringing up children whose parents have died, in some cases you may be able to claim this if there is a surviving parent.

Hartburn Lodge provides planned short breaks for children and young people aged from 8 to 18 years (6 years in exceptional circumstances) who have a range of complex and additional needs and who are dependent upon parents or carers for their care and support.
Hartburn Lodge
Harlsey Road
TS18 5DL
- Contact number: 01642527994
The safeguarding partnership arrangement replaces the two Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCB's) for Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees. In accordance with Working Together 2018, HSSCP's safeguarding partners are Hartlepool Borough Council, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council, Cleveland Police and Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees Clinical Commissioning Group. It also has representation from other local relevant agencies.
Civic Centre, Level 4
Victoria Road
TS24 8AY
- Contact number: 01642130080

The charity offers free sessions to any child living in the North East of England. The centre offers free conductive education therapy to any child suffering from cerebral palsy, dyspraxia or any other motor disorder, some of these include microcephaly, development delay, speech and language delay.
40 Front Street
County Durham
- Contact number: 01913868606
Bright Sky is a free to download mobile app, launched in partnership with the Vodafone Foundation, providing support and information to anyone who may be in an abusive relationship or those concerned about someone they know.

Hollie Guard is a smartphone app that provides enhanced levels of protection. If you are in danger all you have to do is shake or tap your phone and Hollie Guard automatically sends your location and audio/video evidence to your designated contacts.

Hope Again is a website developed by Cruse Bereavement Care's Youth Involvement Project.
- Contact number: 08088081677

In2Out is a registered charity that aims to reduce reoffending amongst children and young people aged 15 to 21 years as they leave custody, allowing them to realise their potential, whilst also helping to make communities safer for everyone.

The Institute of Health Visiting is a UK Centre of Excellence supporting the development of universally high-quality health visiting practice. We promote excellence in health visiting practice to benefit all children, families and communities.
John Snow House
59 Mansell Street
E1 8AN
- Contact number: 02072657352

Kidscape is an anti-bullying and child protection charity who ensure children live in a safe and nurturing environment.
Kidscape, 8-10
South Street
KT18 7PF
- Contact number: 02078235430

Kinship is the national charity which supports grandparents and the wider family when they take on the caring role of children in difficult family circumstances.
The Foundry, 17
Oval Way
SE11 5RR
- Contact number: 03001237015

Kooth is an online mental health service for children, young people and adults which offer a counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile phones, tablets and desktop computers and are free at the point of use. It gives children and young people easy access to an online community of peers and a team of experienced counsellors. Access is free of the typical barriers to support: no waiting lists, no thresholds, no costs, and complete anonymity.

If you are a young person and identify as LGBT+ in the North East we provide friendly and practical support. If you need real, friendly practical support around sexuality and/or gender we can help.
Sapphire House, I E S Centre
Horndale Avenue
Aycliffe Business Park
Newton Aycliffe
- Contact number: 01325731160

A charity that provides information, support and help to families with visually impaired children
The Royal National College For The Blind
Venns Lane
- Contact number: 07464351958
Women's Aid have launched the #LoveRespect website to support teenage girls at risk of relationship abuse and to challenge myths surrounding the nature of coercive control.

LUPUS UK is the national registered charity supporting people with lupus, assisting those approaching a diagnosis and funding research and specialist nurses.
Lupus Uk
St. James House
27 - 43 Eastern Road
- Contact number: 01708731251

Maternity Action is the UK's maternity rights charity dedicated to promoting, protecting and enhancing the rights of all pregnant women, new mothers and their families to employment, social security and health care.
Second Floor, 3 - 4
Wells Terrace
N4 3JU
- Contact number: 08088020029

Maternity Allowance is usually paid to you if you do not qualify for Statutory Maternity Pay.

Mermaids is a support group originally formed in 1995 by a group of parents who were brought together as a result of their children's longstanding Gender Identity Issues.
Suit 4, Tarn House, 77
High Street
LS19 7SP
- Contact number: 08088010400

MindMate is a website for young people, their families and the professionals who support them. MindMate can to help you explore emotional wellbeing and mental health issues.

'My Sister's Place is an independent specialist 'One-Stop Shop' for women aged 16 or over and have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence. We are committed to working in partnership to tackle domestic violence.
My Sister's Place
- Contact number: 01642241864

The National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACOA) is a registered charity in the UK providing information and support for everyone affected by their parent's drinking through a free, confidential telephone and email helpline.
PO Box 64
BS16 2UH
- Contact number: 08003583456

National Association for Premenstrual Syndrome (NAPS) is a UK based charity and advocacy group that promotes the interests of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).
- Contact number: 08448157311