Gingerbread is a charity that provides advice and practical support for single parents. Expert advisers answer their helpline, the website is packed full of useful information and Gingerbread offer training too. They also campaign to improve the lives of all single parent families, and because they're a national charity, it's all free.

Gingerbread the leading national charity working with single parent families. We provide expert advice, practical support and campaign for single mums and dads.
We provide information to help single parents support themselves and their family. We campaign and influence policy to reduce stigma against single parents and make services more accessible to all families.
The information and support we provide includes:
- benefits, tax and universal credits
- bereavement - coping with the loss of a partner
- childcare
- child maintenance
- contact arrangements
- children of single parents
- parent's who's children don't live with them
- managing money and debt