Parkfield Hall
Parkfield Hall is a temporary accommodation project providing supported housing services to young people leaving care, homeless or looked after. Young people can stay up to 2 years. <SEND>

Parkfield Hall consists of 8 self-contained 1 bedroom flats and 2 self-contained 2 bedroom flats. Priority will be given for the 2 bedroom flats to those young people who are parents and have full time care of their child/ren.
Each service user is allocated a support worker who will provide low level housing related support including advice and guidance. This can include assistance in claiming benefits to maximise income, accessing training/employment and apprenticeship opportunities. We have a working partnership agreement with Youth Direction which ensures all eligible young people are included, encouraged and supported to access training and education opportunities. Support Workers also provide 1 to 1 support sessions around health and wellbeing. This includes planning and preparing healthy meal options, cook along sessions, shopping on a budget. Another key area is budgeting. 1 to 1 support includes setting up a budget plan and payment plan for utility bills and rent. Ensuring correct benefits are in place to maximise income. We also work closely with New Horizons who provide a drop-in session at Parkfield every fortnight which focuses on budgeting, managing debt, and any other financial related issues. Tenancy Management is a fundamental part of support and encompasses all aspects of understanding and managing a tenancy. We also have a crashpad which accomodates emergency referrals. Placements tend to be for a couple of days while the social worker carries out their assessments.
We work proactively with CESC and Housing Options to maximise the move on choices available to our service users. Prior to move on, floating support is put in place to ensure as smooth a transition as possible for the young person.
Referrals to the service come via Accomodation Panel following a Single Assessment of need/Path Way Plan agreed at panel that the referral to Parkfield Hall is appropriate the young person will be invited to an interview with an officer at Parkfield to further assess the young persons support needs and suitability of the service to meet the young persons needs.
After interview the officer will follow up appropriate references for further information and will also carry out a reference check with Landlord Liaison. Depending on the information available it may also be necessary to request a supplementary risk assessment form to be completed by the workers involved with the young person.