Little Gigglers Childminding
Ofsted registered Childminder in Ingleby Barwick <SEND>
Opening times information:
We have a dedicated playroom and spacious conservatory which leads off to the patio, grassed and decked garden and playhouse. The children can choose activities including arts, crafts, baking, stories, nursery rhymes, sand, water outdoor play in the playhouse and trips to local amenities. We enjoy time at our allotment, children and dig, play in the mud kitchen area, help plant and water and learn about growth and decay first hand. We also have quiet areas for children to relax, read and take a nap. We endeavour to provide a caring and fun environment for children to learn and develop. We work closely with other childminders in Thornaby and Ingleby Childminding group we support one another to offer the children social outing opportunities, many joint fund raising events such as Barnardo's big toddles, Red Nose Day and other annual get togethers for parents and children for example; Christmas parties.
Our service offers: Emergency Cover
Who to contact:
Contact name: Donna Cartmell
Job title: Childminder
Alternative telephone number: 07785 112512
Charges for 0 to 1 years:
Per hour: £0.00
Half day/session: £28.50
Per day: £43.00
Charges for 2 years:
Per hour: £0.00
Half day/session: £28.50
Per day: £43.00
Charges for 3 to 4 years:
Per hour: £0.00
Half day/session: £28.50
Per day: £43.00
Before and after school holiday clubs:
Age range: 3 to 11 years
Charges for 3 to 4 years:
Before school: £8.50
After school: £14.0
Charges for 5 plus years:
Before school: £8.50
After school: £14.0
Inclusion information:
Cultural provisions:
We respect all cultures and happily work in partnership with parents to meet individual needs.
Dietary needs:
We have experience of milk/ dairy allergies, lactose intolerant, vegetarian diet and many with particular likes and dislikes!
SEND provisions:
Experience with: Emotional needs ADHD Dyspraxia Special needs Autism spectrum Learning difficulties Social development impairment Behaviour Problems Aspergers Eczema Asthma Hearing Impairment
Childcare information:
Immediate vacancies: No
Funded places:
Registered to provide:
30 hours for 3 and 4 year olds, 15 hours for 9 months - 2 years *this will increase to 30 hours from Sept 2025
Tax Free Childcare: Yes
School Pickups:
Offers pickups: Yes
Ofsted Information:
Ofsted URN: EY309061
Find at Ofsted, including latest inspection report where applicable (Opens in new window)