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National Key Scheme (NKS) - RADAR Keys

If you have a health condition or disability (particularly if you're a wheelchair-user) finding an accessible toilet that's clean, tidy and available for you to use can be a challenge. And they're often kept locked. Under Radar's scheme, special locks are installed on public disabled toilet doors to give disabled people priority access. <SEND>

Address: Plexal, 14 East Bay Lane, Here East, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London, Stratford, E20 3BS
Telephone number: 02036870790
National Key Scheme (NKS) - RADAR Keys

Local authorities have adopted the scheme and 'Radar toilets' can now be found in shopping centres, pubs, stores, bus/train stations and other locations nationwide.

The Radar key gives you independent access to locked public toilets around the country. The provider of the toilet has a key - but with your own key there's no need to wait for a member of staff to unlock the door. You're in control.

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Last modified on 16 February 2024