Pauline Peggs
Ofsted registered Childminder in Billingham <SEND>
Pauline Peggs is an OFSTED registered childminder based in Billingham.
Our service offers: School Holidays
Who to contact:
Contact name: Pauline Peggs
Job title: Childminder
Alternative telephone number: 01642 566007
Contact the service direct to discuss charges for:
0 to 1 years
2 years
3 to 4 years
5 plus years
Inclusion information:
Cultural provisions:
Various religious and cultures activities and resources.
Dietary needs:
Food allergies and special diets, gluten free, vegetarian etc.
Wheelchair access:
I have a large side gate that could be used by a wheelchair.
SEND provisions:
I have no SEN children in my care but I am willing to take them.
Childcare information:
Immediate vacancies: Yes
Funded places:
Registered to provide:
30 hours for 3 and 4 year olds, 15 hours for 9 months - 2 years *this will increase to 30 hours from Sept 2025
Tax Free Childcare: Yes
School Pickups:
Offers pickups: Yes
Ofsted Information:
Ofsted URN: EY478546
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